Application Fee
- General / OBC / EWS : 1500/-
- SC / ST : 1200/-
- PWBD :Nil
Payment Mode
- Pay the Examination Fee thought Net-Banking / Debit Card /
Credit Card only.
JIPMER Group B Recruitment
2023 Vacancy Details
Post Name |
Total Post |
Age Limit (18-03-2023) |
Qualification Details |
Dental Hygienist |
01 |
18-35 Years |
- Bachelor Degree in Science.
- Diploma in Dental Hygiene.
Junior Translation Officer |
01 |
18-30 Years |
- Master Degree in relative Subject.
Medical Social Worker |
06 |
18-35 Years |
- Master Degree in Social Work.
Speech Therapist |
01 |
18-30 Years |
- BSC Degree in Speech & Language Science or Audiology
or Speech & Language Pathology (BASLP).
X-Ray Technician (Radiotherapy) |
06 |
18-30 Years |
- BSC in Radiation Technology or Radiotherapy Technology.
Group C
Post Name |
Total Post |
Age Limit (18-03-2023) |
Qualification Details |
Anaesthesia Technician |
08 |
18-30 Years |
- Degree in Anaesthesia Technology or Diploma in Anaesthesia
Audiology Technicial |
01 |
18-25 Years |
- Diploma in Hearing Language or Hearing Aid or Earmould
Dental Technicial |
01 |
18-30 Years |
- 10+2 with Science with 2 Yrs Dental Mechanic Course.
Junior Administrative Assistant |
43 |
18-30 Years |
- 10+2 or equivalent with 35 wpm typing speed in English Or
30 wpm in Hindi.
Ophthalmic Technician |
01 |
18-30 Years |
- 10+2 with Science & Diploma in Optometry.
Perfusion Asst |
01 |
18-30 Years |
- Diploma or Degree in Perfusion Technology.
Pharmacist |
05 |
18-30 Years |
- Diploma or Degree in Pharmacy AND Registered as Pharmacist
under the Pharmacy Act 1948.
Physiotherapy Technician |
01 |
18-30 Years |
- Diploma or Degree in Physiotherapy.
Stenography Grade II |
03 |
18-27 Years |
- 10+2 or equivalent with Skill Test Norms.
URO Technician |
01 |
18-30 Years |
- Diploma or Degree in relative discipline.
- Read the notification for more details.